(An International Welfare Trust) Registered under Govt. of W.B. S/L No.-06308-IV-266/2014 Inda, Rabindrapally, Ward no.2, Kharagpur, Paschim Medinipur, 721305, West Bengal
Trusted Funds
Every applicant will have to submit a written application expressing his/her consent to join “SFS Foundation” as member.
The minimum age for joining as a member is 18 years and above. The members would form Groups with a minimum number of 10 members and maximum number of 19 members.
The membership will be valid for one (1) year from the date of joining by paying the appropriate membership fee, and the same will be renewed accordingly by paying the prevailing membership fee. The male members will have to pay a minimum prescribed monthly fee in addition to the Annual Membership fees.
There is no minimum education qualification required for joining.
The members will be bound to follow the rules & regulations of the Trust in order to gain self dependency.
Each Group would be run and managed by a Group Leader, who will be elected amongst the members of the Group and similarly all the Group members will respect and follow the instructions of their Group Leader.
All instruction regarding trainings & projects for the concerned Group will be communicated/ informed to the respective Group Leader; it would be the duty of the Group Leader to properly covey/ inform all the members of the Group and help the management for proper implementation of the said project thereof.
It is strictly “PROHIBITED” to practice any feelings of discrimination based on caste, religion, political believes, literacy and financial status amongst the members of the Trust, any alleged incident whatsoever would be investigated by the management and if found guilty, strict disciplinary actions would be initiated against the accused.
It is further restricted for all members to promote any antisocial feelings and discussion and also restricted from spreading any false rumors amongst the members and further not to influence other members of the Trust, for personal gains and benefits.
No members are allowed to deal/ receive/ demand cash on behalf of the Trust, unless otherwise authorized by the management and along with proper legit receipts of the Trust for such transactions.
During training and/or job work provided to the members all members will strictly follow the instructions of the management as well as using the material provided by the management, also returning the finished product along with left over material to the management is good conditions.
The members will have to apply in writing to the management expressing his/her interest in participating in one or more projects, which will be subject to approval from the management. Once involved in any project and/or job-work assigned to member he/she cannot cease/stop the job work without the consent/ approval of the management showing proper cause whatsoever.
Any alteration/amendment/changes what so ever done by the management will be informed to the members from time to time in writing, and which shall be final and binding upon all members.